You have to be able to control yourself. You can't let
emotions get in the way of your thoughts and actions... Warren Buffett
One of the most difficult aspects of
trading is emotional management. For many months, we have struggled through
market and economies that are news-driven, volatile, and filled with
uncertainty. For many, it’s been a real emotional
roller coaster. . To say "don't get emotional" is pointless because
everyone has emotions around money.
What can you do about your emotions as
they apply to trading and investing? Of all the books and papers I have read or
written on trading psychology, there is one aspect that stands out most clearly
to me. This is the condition of living in the past. I believe that this is one
of the most significant obstacles to trading success.
Why? Because the brain remembers. The
brain imprints loss or gain in a “memory” area called the temporal lobe, and
generates fear or greed as a result of it. The larger the loss or the gain, the
greater the neuronal imprint becomes. Losses are imprinted as fear and gains
are imprinted as greed. Both are equally destructive to further success with
The real culprit is memory. It is the
memory of losses or gains that stay with the unsuccessful trader, causing
continual mental sabotage and inability to move forward.
The best traders forget about a loss
the minute they take it and move on. They are confident in their system and
their ability to execute it. It is not about the money for these people. It is
about finding a system that will bring them more profits than losses. The best
traders know how to take losses and not become depressed, angry, jealous,
disgusted or defeated. They know how to take gains without gloating, boasting,
or becoming euphoric. They see only the trade they are about to enter---not the
trade that just ended or the one that might be coming in the future. All past
trades are out of sight and out of mind. All future trades are an illusion.
This is a really difficult thing to do,
but it must be done in order to move forward. If you are unable to detach from
the past and the future, you will continue to be a victim of fear and greed.
Fear doesn't form in a vacuum. It is a
learned response to a particular event or probability. In the case of trading,
when you have a trade that goes bad, the regret and frustration can carry over
into the next trade. Often, the fear is so consuming, that you don't enter your
next trade. Of course, Murphy's Law dictates that the trade you don't enter is
the one you should have entered, which only compounds the existing emotional
Greed creates the opposite problem.
With a couple of consecutive winning trades, the ego enlarges and invincible
feelings overcome logic. This will ultimately lead you to trades that you
normally would not have entered. Finding good trades is hard enough, while
finding poor trades seems to get much easier after a couple of winners.
Emotions cause 'perceptual distortion' where we only see the part of the
picture that our beliefs allow us to see.
The instruction is to know who you are
in this present moment. You are the problem and you are the solution. Living in
the past or the future does nothing but stir up emotions that impact adversely
your trading and other aspects of your life. It is said that fear blinds one to
opportunity and greed blinds one to danger. Make every effort to be fully
present and you may be surprised at the outcome. It’s the best way to defeat
the enemy within you.
The ability to be in the present moment
is a major component of mental wellness…Abraham Maslow
By Janice Dorn, M.D.,Ph.D.
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